KYUNGHEE UNIVERSITY 2019.03 - Now (w/ army service)
B.S. in Department of Software Convergence
HAYYIM SECURITY - Security Researcher 2022.03 - 2023.12
Finding vulnerabilities and Exploit in software (Browser, Office, VM, RDP, etc)
PWNLAB - Intern 2023.04 - Now
Kyunghee University Department of Computer Engineering (Advisor: Prof. Daehee Jang)
BEST OF THE BEST 7th - Student 2018.03 - 2019.02
Vulnerability Analysis Track (C/O)
Information Security Gifted Education Center - Student 2017.03 - 2017.12
Advanced Professional Class B in Seoul Women’s University (C/O)
KISA Bug Bounty Award
Remote Code Execution via Heap Overflow in Viewer (KVE-2023-0095, KVE-2023-5125) $3,100
Republic of Korea Air Force 2020.04 - 2022.01
MOS: Information Security
Hacking Competition (CTF) Challenge Author/Organizer
2023/2024 International Drone Hacking Competition Author/Organizer
2022 KHU Software Security Competition Author
2017/2018 ROOTCTF Author/Organizer
Wargame (Gyeongje) All Clear (Gyeongje) All Clear